Golden Gecko Coffee: Community - Sustainability - Technology
Our C - S - T pillars will be integrated into our store.
Community - 'the community is not only those that experience our coffee first hand, but those that live, work and play in the local area. We can expand our sense of community to include those that live within Ontario and Canada. Finally, our community is global, crossing geographical and social boundaries. All of us make a positive impact on one or all of these communities and take every opportunity to do so. Golden Gecko Coffee will provide a space where individuals will find a sense of community'
Sustainability - 'we all have an impact on the environment, both positive and negative. Sharing those experiences will allow us to learn and to grow and perhaps change our personal perspective on the impact that we can have. Golden Gecko Coffee will seek to make a positive impact on the environment through community and technology'
Technology - 'the ability for technology to enhance our daily lives is already here, but the changes continue to amaze and confound us. To show that technology will bring about a positive future, we will showcase and share information, products and services that capture the essence of community and environment'
We will be an active member of the local community and form partnerships with those that share our vision. We encourage you to check both in store and online frequently to learn more about what we are doing.
If you are an individual or small group that is looking for meeting space or for a way to promote your innovation, please reach out to discuss partnership opportunities.